Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Arrow' Season 3 Episode 6 'Guilty' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode is not quite the best episode of the season but has some excellent action sequences as well as some cool easter eggs.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. The Boxing Glove Arrow- As you can see above this episode included an easter egg to the boxing glove arrow! I was so glad to see this easter egg and I hope Oliver considers putting one in his quiver!
 2. Wildcat- We learn that Ted Grant was a vigilante while Oliver was away. I hope to see Ted Grant decide to become Wildcat soon but it seems as though he is retired.
 3. Roy is officially given the name Arsenal- Roy mentions to Oliver that Ted's old sidekick said Roy was just a weapon in Oliver's Arsenal and Oliver decides that's what Roy should be called.
4. Roy brings back repressed memories- We learn that Roy didn't kill Sarah but was repressing his Mora Kuru memory of killing a cop. I thought it was interesting that this tied into the flashback part of the episode. 
5. Cupid is in Starling City- We see the introduction of yet another villain who will be spotlighted on the next episode. I'm curious what exactly brought her to Starling and if she killed Sara.


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