Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Gotham' Season 1 Episode 10 'Lovecraft' Mid-Season Finale Review

Non Spoiler Review- A weaker episode but it manages to prominently feature a character we haven't seen too much of and set up for the second half of the season. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Alfred and Bruce reunited- the best moment of the episode was when alfred finally found bruce after Bruce and Selina were pursued it was a very heartfelt moment. I hope Alfred and Bruce wayne will continue to be a primary part of the show in it's future.
2. Gordon sent to Arkham- At the end of the episode Gordon is sent to be a security guard at Arkham as punishment for what happened to Lovecraft. I'm curious to see if he becomes a detective again by the end of the season.
3. Falcone suspects Penguin- In the beginning of the episode, Falcone interrogates Penguin because he believes that Cobblepot told Maroni about Falcone's money and organized the heist. Cobblepot is able to convince him that it wasn't him and then blames Fish mooney, who committed the action. I was interested that Falcone didn't believe him because Cobblepot hates Mooney so much. I wonder if he will discover Mooney's plot soon. 
4. Alfred- The best performance of the episode was definitely Alfred. We get to see Alfred bribe a young man with a hundred dollar bill without even being concerned of giving the money away, and fight thugs in his quest to find Bruce. This reveals that Alfred would do anything for Bruce Wayne. I hope to see more Alfred in the second half of the season.
5. Bruce and Selina- We once again see Selina and Bruce's relationship develop on screen. We see Selina actually kiss Bruce at the end of the episode after flirting with him for the entire episode. I liked that she gave back everything that she stole from him at the end of the episode instead of taking it and selling it.


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