Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'Gotham' Season 2 Episode 1 'Damned If You Do' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This episode is already much stronger than a majority of the episodes in Season One. I am really enjoying the focus on the Rise of Villains but 'Gotham' once again finds itself to be overcrowded with too many subplots due to the excessive amount of characters on the show. One new aspect I am loving that was introduced in this episode was that sometimes in order for Jim to do the right thing he had to do something that tears away at Gordon's soul. The villains tended to be the standouts specifically Penguin, Zsaz, Barbara, Jerome, and even Nygma in the brief scene he was in. The only thing that irked me besides that the episode was overcrowded was this awkward camera angle while Jim was running that looked like a "selfie cam". Overall this was one of the best episodes the series has had as of yet and I'm genuinely excited for the next episode.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Jim's inner struggle- The most interesting part of the episode in my opinion was the struggle within Jim as to whether he should walk away from the force or take up Penguin's offer and take a dark path to do justice. I enjoyed this and hope to dee it further explored.
2. Penguin and Gordon make an agreement- Penguin's agreement with Jim was really what caused Jim's dilemma so it was interesting to see Gordon accept and pursue a dark path.
 3. 'Gotham's Suicide Squad?- It seems as though 'Gotham' is going to have their own version of the Suicide Squad with the inmates broken out of jail to be come a team because of their unique skill sets. I'm very interested to see what havoc they unleash upon Gotham.
4. Bruce and Alfred enter the Batcave- Throughout the episode we learn that the Batcave found by Alfred and Bruce Wayne had a password lock on the door and so Bruce makes many attempts and decides to blow up the door and manages to do so successfully.  They then enter the room and discover a note for Bruce. I'm very curious to learn what revelations will be made in the lair. 
5. Jerome and Barbara- The standouts of the episode were two standouts from last season that seem to be featured prominently this season. The two worked well in scenes together and I can't wait to see more of both of them.


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