Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Once Upon A Time' Season 4 Episode 6 'Family Business' Review

 Non Spoiler Review- Sorry for the late review. Another great episode that focuses on Belle and the Snow Queen. We now know the Snow Queen's plan and what became of Elsa. I can't wait for tonight's episode.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

 1. Snow Queen's Plan- We now know the Snow Queen plans to use her mirror to make everyone in Storybrooke argue with each other but Elsa and Emma so she can have them join what she desires to be a perfect family. I'm curious to learn just how powerful the mirror is.
2. Belle forces Rumple to make a choice- Belle forces Rumpled to take her to the Snow Queen's lair and he must either comely or tell her the truth about the dagger although it appears he switched the daggers again because it is able to cut his skin. 
 3. Snow Queen imprisoned Anna- We know what happened to Anna but I'm sure there will be much more to this backstory. I anticipate knowing how this story finishes and the final fate of Anna. I'm sure we will know within a few episodes though.
 4. Belle lied to Elsa- It looks like Belle did know Anna but didn't want Elsa to know the truth of what happened to her sister. So I guess Rumpelstiltskin wasn't the only one that lied.
5. "Yoo-hoo!"- You may recognize Oaken from 'Frozen' , he is the salesman that constantly chirped "Yoo-Hoo!. 


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