Tuesday, January 19, 2016

'Gotham' Season 1 Episode 7 'The Penguin's Umbrella' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Sorry for the late review. This episode contains plenty of  action and great moments for the Penguin. There's a lot of drama now that Oswald Cobblepot has revealed that he is alive. I can't wait for the escalation of the war for Gotham!

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Penguin is working with Falcone- This was by far the biggest plot twist of the season where it is revealed Penguin planned everything that took place and is working with Falcone. The flashback revealed that Falconer and Penguin are manipulating everything that transpires. 

2. War over Penguin- Penguin's return brought a lot of drama to Gotham City and it was interesting to see that Penguin's prediction that there would be war came very close to becoming a reality.
3. Gordon and Bullock try to arrest Falcone and Mayor- I liked that Gordon wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and attempt to arrest the corrupt people of Gotham. It was very interesting that Penguin is really the only reason that Falcone let Gordon live. It shows how much power Cobblepott really has and how he's manipulating everyone in his rise to power.
4. Victor Zsaz- It was nice to see another Batman villain brought to the show and it was so creepy to see him kill a lady then carve a tally mark into his arm. The character does this every time he kills someone in the comics and is part of what makes the character so insane. His scene in the police scene was great and I hope to see him more as one of Falcone's hitmen.
5. Montoya teams up with Gordon- It was really surprising that Montoya was able to show up in the knick of time to save Gordon. I like that they put aside their differences to do what was right in solving the Wayne murder case as well as stopping the corrupt officials of Gotham.


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