*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******
Highlights of the episode
1. Eobard Thawne- In the beginning of the episode there is a flashback back to the night Nora Allen is killed and later this is shown again with a future version of the Flash fighting Reverse Flash and Reverse flash runs out of the house and then slows down and is unable to run depleted of the speed force and marooned in the past. He unmasks himself revealing that Thawne isn't necessarily the same person as Harrison Wells. Throughout the episode the flashback explains more about Thawne and he tracks down Wells, causes a car accident and uses a "genetic camouflage device to pose as Harrison Wells leaving Wells dead at the scene of the crime and now has the appearance of Harrison Wells.
2. Speed Force- When Barry confronts the Tricksters at the end of the episode, James Jessie straps a bomb to Barry's wrist that will blow if Barry runs less than 600 mph. Wells speaks to Barry and explicitly mentions the speed force and tells Barry he can phase through matter. Barry then phases through a solid object removing the bomb from his wrist. I can't wait to see Barry utilize this ability in future episodes.
3.Flashpoint- At the beginning of the episode there is a more revealing look at the night Nora Allen died that shows a future Flash and reverse Flash fighting each other. In the flashback you can see a white background on the Flash emblem on Barry's suit , which is the classic logo suggesting this is a future incarnation of Barry's suit. You can also see Barry save his younger self.4. Barry reveals his identity- In this episode Barry reveals his identity to two other people, Henry Allen and Eddie Thawne. Barry saves his father from the Tricksters bomb and once they are clear of the bomb he takes off his mask. He then appears before Eddie and unmasks himself before Eddie. It seems now that everyone knows Barry's identity bu8t Iris West. So I hope that Barry tells Iris soon to make things a little less complicated. Also the scene when Barry tells his father was very emotional and actually almost made me cry. I love these scenes between Barry and his father and hope for more scenes like this in the future of the season.
5. Mark Hamill's performance as the Trickster- Mark Hamill makes a guest appearance n this episode as the Trickster, which is the same character he portrayed in the 90's Flash TV series. He gave an amazing performance, which was no surprise given Mark Hamill's acting chops. There was even a 'Star Wars' Easter egg when Mark Hamill's James Jessie Trickster tells the younger Axel Walker Trickster the classic "I am your father." Which I thought was ironic given that Mark Hamill was Luke Skywalker in the 'Star Wars' saga and Darth Vader was the one to tell Luke 'No. I am your father." And now Hamill is the one delivering the line. I really hope to see Hamill return in a future episode but it is more likely for Axel Walker to return sooner than Jessie James version. If either version does return I hope they join the Rogues. Flash is Mark Hamill's favorite DC hero as well as mine so I wouldn't be surprised to see Hamill return on the show.
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