Wednesday, January 20, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 21 'Grodd Lives' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Another great episode of 'The Flash' that features one of the Flash's most iconic villains, a telekinetic gorilla with psychic abilities. Not quite as good as last week's episode, which I deem the best as of yet, but another fun adventure for the Flash that features intriguing character drama. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode 

1. Well's Plan- At the end of the episode Wells/Thawne (I'm never quite sure what to call his character) grabs a vial and goes up into what looks like the inside of the particle accelerator and says something along the lines of "I'm coming home". So I'm very interested in learning what was in the vial and find it intriguing that Wells is potentially hiding in plain sight.  Whatever it is, it seems as though Wells/Thawne will be traveling back to the future. 
2. Grodd- Grodd is some of the best special effects work that has been done on 'The Flash' as of yet because when Grodd is onscreen I actually believed I was watching a live gorilla. I'm very excited to see more of Grodd and learn more about the tv show's adaptation.
3. Barry and Iris conflict- Throughout the episode Iris is frustrated with Barry for keeping secrets from her however by the end of the episode actually joins Team Flash. I'm glad that Iris knows about Barry's identity now because it makes her character seem less oblivious.
4. Eobard tells Eddie about the future- Eobard tells eddi all about the future telling him that Iris will marry Barry and that Eddie's life really amounted to absolutely nothing. I'm very curious to see the effect this has on Eddie and if it will place him on a different path or if Eobard is manipulating him by lying, etc.
5. Eiling is back- We also learn that Eiling isn't dead but has been under Grodd's control. It appears as thought Eiling is now allies with Team Flash as they have a common enemy and I wonder if he will provide any assistance in the form of technology. 


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