Monday, January 18, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 3 'Things You Can't Outrun' Review

Non Spoiler Review- Once again this keeps on running (no pun intended) getting progressively better every week. While the end fight scene may not have been the best the drama was nice as well as the plot and set up for the future of the show. Overall definitely the best episode but I'm sure next weeks will be even cooler because Captain Cold will be introduced (pun intended) and Felicity will be coming onto the show.

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

1. Who is Harrison Wells?- Another reveal about Dr. Wells is made in a flash back where the particle accelerator goes off, fails, and he goes into the room where we see him in the first episode walking and watches video surveillance of Barry and says something along the lines "I'll see you soon Barry". This reveals that he is probably from the future if you factor in all the additional evidence from the previous episodes. I think it is very likely that he may turn out to be one of the Reverse Flashs.
2. Metahuman Prison- I like that they realized they needed a place to put the metahumans and it was very clever to use the particle accelerator. I wouldnt be surprised if we see some villains escape from the makeshift a few times throughout the show. 
3. Barry speaks with his father- In a touching final scene Barry talks to his father once again and his father tells him that when Barry was a child he took a long time to walk but when he did start walking he ran and ran towards his mother. I really enjoy these conversations between Barry and his father and hope that they continue in future episodes.
 3. Flash is saved by Team Flash- The first time Flash runs into the Mist he inhales the poisonous gas and manages to run back to Star labs where Snow, Cisco and Dr. Wells help revive him after he goes unconscious. It is revealed that he survived because his cells grow back quicker after Snow took out some of his respiratory cells. I enjoyed this and liked that they managed to create an antidote based on the gas sample Barry obtained. 
5. 'Fire and Ice' Reference-  Kaitlyn Snow makes a comment that she and Ronnie were like "fire and ice". This is a reference to the character's comic book counterparts Firestorm and Killer Frost. We know that in the show we will see Ronnie become the Firestorm and we may see Snow become Killer Frost.Their characters are pictured below. 


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