Monday, January 18, 2016

'The Flash' Season 1 Episode 1 'City of Heroes' Review

Non Spoiler Review- This show had a great first episode and hits the ground running! (no pun intended) Grant Gustin does a fantastic job portraying the Flash. The visual effects were great and I loved the sequences that were done in slow motion to reiterize that Barry Allen moves faster than the world around him and also enjoyed the effects for when Flash was running. The supporting cast is also great but the villain of the episode was a little lame and didn't really have much importance. Im excited for where the show is headed though!

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

Highlights of the episode

 1. 'Arrow' crossover- Definitely a major highlight was when Barry goes to Oliver Queen for advice. I was very glad that the producers decided to include this cameo because it helps to tie the shows together in the same world. I can't wait for the upcoming Flash/Arrow crossover episode!
 2. The suit- I love this version of the Flash's suit because it is very modern because its not too bright of a red. I think it looks very nice and can't wait to see it progress into the classic suit.
 3. This futuristic newspaper article- I was very intrigued by this and can't wait to learn more about it and how Dr. Wells got this. I wonder if The Flash will explore time trave soon.
4. Who is Dr. Wells?- Ok so obviously Dr. Wells is from the future or something and I'm curious how he stood up despite being wheelchair bound. I can't wait to find out more about his character.
5. Reverse Flash- Fans of the Flash will recognize that Reverse Flash was the one who killed Barry's mother. You can make out the shape of a yellow and red man moving at super speed, which is pictured above.  Can't wait to see him fight the Flash.


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